courtesy of Harland Schuster |

courtesy of Kansas Sampler Foundation

courtesy of Harland Schuster |
The Gyp Hills Scenic Drive is a finalist for the 8 Wonders of Kansas
because of the stunning red-colored butte-and-mesa topography.
The Red Hills of south-central Kansas are one of the most surprising
landscapes in Kansas. The rocks here were deposited during the Permian
Period of geologic history, about 250 million years ago. During that
time a large, shallow bay covered much of this area. When that bay was
cut off from the ocean and the water evaporated, the rocks (called
evaporates) that were left behind included salt and gypsum. Most
evaporites are easily dissolved in water, and thus erosion sculpted
these hills into the shapes you see today.
Many of the rocks here are stained red by iron oxide, thus giving the
name Red Hills to the area. Sandstones and shales, in particular, are
bright red. Gypsum is a much lighter colored rock that is found in
within those red beds. One type of gypsum, selenite, forms large
diamond-shaped crystals that are common in the area, littering roadcuts
and ditches like broken glass.
Many pastures have been taken over by red cedars, the only juniper native to the state.
Much of this 22-mile route is through open range meaning there are
often no fences to keep cattle off the road. It's a public road but
you'll cross
cattle guards and it's the responsibility of the traveler to avoid
hitting livestock. Also, travelers should make sure to follow the
public road and not meander off onto pasture driveways. At times there
are few signs of civilization and wildlife, wildflowers, birds, and
cattle dominant the landscape against the Red Hills.
It's confusing but the Gyp Hills Scenic Drive and the Gypsum Hills
Scenic Byway are two different routes. See "location" below for
explanation and directions.
Location: About 3 miles west of Medicine Lodge on U.S. 160, find a sign
that says Gyp Hills Scenic Drive. Head south on Gypsum Hill Road, then
west. Watch for small green signs, and follow them. Much of the route
is unpaved. Approximately 22 miles, the route will bring you back up to
160 on Lake City Road.
If you'd rather not travel the backroads, you can still see marvelous
Red Hill scenery by driving the Gypsum Hills Scenic Byway. This
official Kansas
Scenic Byway runs from Medicine Lodge west on U.S. 160 42 miles to the
U.S. 183 intersection at Coldwater (ksbyways.org).
Contacts: Elisa Stone, patrons@peacetreaty.org